Finally, after an impeccable post-production, here’s the 30 minute interview: Jenny Mosher, in The Hot Seat With FF Jensen.
(imagine a drum roll here :-))
I would wish to thank Jenny, Ally, Sarah and Josh for the opportunity ‘to burn my arse off’ in The Hot Seat. Mind you, I’d do that again any day!
Get yourselves a glass of red or white, or any other drink of your preference and enjoy. Catcha later, FF 🙂
Marketing time has arrived as well … It does happen to most of us indiefolks that we take up the responsibility ourselves. Creatively speaking, it’s also an interesting task, with the added value that we do it ourselves for ourselves. Enough of this chit-chat! Here are the links where you can purchase “Bittersweet Symphony”:

- If you have an Apple device such as an iPad, iPhone, iPod, or for your Mac or PC, you can use the iBooks app.
- If you buy your e-books from Baker & Taylor Blio.
- If you read your e-books on the Flipkart app.
- If you have a Kindle tablet or want to buy the paperback version, your good ol’friend Amazon.
- If you have a Kobo tablet.
- If you have a Nook device, you can go to Barnes and Noble, where you can also purchase the print version.
- If you have a Page Foundry / Inktera account.
- If you buy your e-books from Smashwords.
- Social media accessible sites where you can also by my book: You can log on to Scribd using your Facebook account, and to Goodreads using your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ accounts, among others.
Phew!! That’s all for now. Catcha later, FFJ.
G’day world,
I’m kinda dizzy these days with so much to do, and at the same time I’m trying to keep my writing up to speed. Oh well, the day should have 48 hours rather than 24. I bet I’d still manage to keep myself horribly busy anyway, mwahaha!
What I wanted to share with you: my Goodreads listing. I have to say that their replies to my emails came in less than 24 hours, and in less than 48 hours I had my author profile set up.
Catcha later, FFJ
G’day all of you!
You can now buy ‘Bittersweet Symphony’ in e-book format at Smashwords. If you have an e-reader, you’ll find the format that your device supports for sure: epub, mobi, pdf, rtf, lrf, pdb, txt.
Watch this space, there will be more announcements soon! In the meantime, have a five-star day! FFJ
And you can purchase your print copy of ‘Bittersweet Symphony’:
E-book version coming out soon. Stay tuned! 🙂
Writings, ranting, ramblings and more. This site is work in progress…and so am I!