Hi there, you online peddler of different wares,
I’m not interested in what you sell at all. This isn’t a website that sells anything, unless you’re prepared to pay for advertising space. Even in that case, I’d still probably refuse to approve your ‘posts’. There are lots of places online where you can spam the world population to exhaustion.

Have a great day and stop trying to spam me. I bet you understand what I mean … Go and bother people elsewhere, FFJ
Your experience in the post shows throughout your writing. Great post.
Thanks apps, but I’d have preferred NOT to write this post. I’m an old hand on the Internet (I bought my first modem and signed up for 12 hours a month of navigation way back in 1996). It actually gets boring when I have to cull spammy posts again and again.
Keep up with the good work at ‘The Digital Bridges’. Many people do need basic concepts explained to them. I like the way you do it. Cheers, FFJ